ArguAna TripAdvisor


An English corpus for studying local sentiment flows and aspect-based sentiment analysis. It contains 2100 hotel reviews balanced with respect to the reviews’ sentiment scores. All reviews are segmented into subsentence-level statements that have then been manually classified as a fact, a positive, or a negative opinion. Also, all hotel aspects mentioned in the reviews have been annotated as such. In addition, we provide nearly 200k further hotel reviews without manual annotations. The corpus is free-to-use for scientific purposes, not for commercial applications. In version 2, the annotated XMI files have been changed according to a new underlying type system that is more easily extendable. Notice that some adaptations of the software of version 1 are necessary to make it work with version 2.


Please refer to this publication for citing the dataset. If you want to link the dataset, please use the dataset permalink [doi].

  • Download the dataset from Zenodo.

